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Written by a NHS patient at The Bristol Nuffield Hospital
6th August 2024

I can not thank Mr El-Deen enough he performed a total knee replacement on my right knee in October 2023 and on my left knee 12 weeks ago. To say I was nervous when I had my first operation would be an understatement. Mr El-Deen's calm and gentle bedside manner put me at ease and he was happy to explain everything to me and answer my questions. I feel like I am now getting my life back thanks to him.

Written by a NHS patient at Sulis Hospital Bath
9th November 2023

I cannot recommend Mr. El-Deen highly enough. Behind his very reassuring 'bedside-manner', there is a gentleman of real substance. As an eighty-year old with no experience of hospital treatment other than occasional visits to A&E with relatively trivial injuries in my footballing days, it was with more than some trepidation that I approached my first consultation with Mr. El-Deen. Later confirmed by an X-ray taken on the day of the consultation, a need for total hip replacement was established. Mr. El-Deen could not have been more reassuring, and patiently answered all my questions - in great detail when required - probably asked with a certain amount of panic! Subsequently, Mr. El-Deen performed the surgery (conducted with spinal-block anaesthesia), cheerfully interacting with me and the rest of his team in the operating theatre. All my previous fears were unfounded, and at no stage did I feel pain or even significant discomfort. I was discharged later the same day, being able to walk with the aid of a single stick. At the time I described it as almost a "fun day"! As I write this, nearly six-weeks later and having been checked out by Mr. El-Deen a few days ago, I can walk without a stick and without a limp, everything feeling very nearly perfectly 'normal'. I do feel tired at times, but he assures me this is not unusual following "major surgery" which I keep forgetting that I have had, given how smoothly everything has gone. The whole experience with Mr. El-Deen and his team has been beyond my most optimistic expectations: to be able to walk again without pain, has transformed what has been for me a rather ugly previous eighteen months or more. I can offer no "constructive suggestions" (as requested) as to how Mr. El-Deen could improve his care, although, being the sort of man he is, I would guess he is constantly applying this sort of introspection. If this review seems obsequious then so be it. I can only 'speak as I find'.

Written by a NHS patient at Shepton Mallet Community Hospital
14th July 2023

In 2015 I had my first hip replacement and was lucky enough to have Mr Eldeen as my surgeon.Since then he has operated on my other hip and right knee, so I am now officially bionic ! It is thanks to this mans skills and expertise, and the care of the staff at Shepton Mallet hospital , that I am now pain free for the first time in many years.I cannot recommend them highly enough. Thank you for making it possible for me to do the things I love again, scuba diving and looking after my horses.

Written by a private patient at Shepton Mallet Community Hospital
1st July 2022

I recently had a knee arthroscopy for an nasty meniscus tear,iI,.couldnt walk properly, knee very bent, couldnt go to work, very painful , it affected my hip, back and right leg muscles, I decide to go private and had Mr Ell-Deen, a very lovely man, explained what was wrong, showed me the x rays etc and talked me through the options, the nurses, theatre guys etc were all lovely, kind and helpful, now 3 months in [ longer recovery because of arhtritis in the joint] i have an new leg!!!! brilliant, no pain, can walk, and sleep, and can go back to work soon highly recommend him

Written by a NHS patient at Shepton Mallet Community Hospital
11th March 2022

After 6 years of increasing arthritic hip pain I took the decision to seek a hip replacement through the NHS. I was recommended to Shepton Mallet hospital where waiting lists are shorted than many of the larger general hospitals. After a thorough consultation with a consultant at the end of November 2021 I was offered a total hip replacement at short notice in January 2022. Mr El-Deen was my surgeon; he met me before the operation and reassured me, giving me confidence and courage (I was quite nervous). The care during my recovery over 24 hours in Shepton Mallet hospital was outstanding - every member of staff, cleaners, caterers, caretakers, nurses, doctors, was professional, thoughtful, friendly and efficient. I felt respected and safe. After X ray checks and physiotherapy advice I left the hospital and returned home with my wife. My recovery over the next 6 weeks was supported by the knowledge that we could speak directly to medical staff at the hospital whenever we needed advice; again this was provided efficiently and professionally. I followed the exercise plan rigorously. Now after 8 weeks I am walking daily 2 or 3 miles with absolutely no pain, exercising in a gym and beginning to build back my strength and fitness. Mr El-Deen has followed up with a personal phone consultation and I feel huge gratitude to him and all the hospital staff for their work.


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Mr El-Deen is a consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in hip and knee replacements, knee keyhole surgery and selective hand condition. His practice involves high volume surgery.

Mr El-Deen is the lead clinician for orthopaedic at Shepton Mallet Hospital

Nearest Orthopaedic and trauma surgeons